8 Tips for Helping Your Children Make Healthy Choices (Guest Article by Jennifer McGregor and Steve Johnson)  

Sometimes, trying to raise healthy children can feel a little overwhelming. Temptations and disruptions abound, making it hard to establish and maintain good habits. By tackling it together, though, you can make healthy living easier to achieve for the whole family. Today, shares some tips that can help your children develop healthy habits that they’ll carry with them for a lifetime.

1. Make Eating Healthy a Family Affair


Getting kids to buy into healthy eating can be tricky, particularly if they're picky eaters. One way to encourage better eating habits is to invite children to become active participants in meal planning and preparation. If your child is old enough, ask them to research healthy recipes on their own that they can bring to you as options.


If your child is younger, you can prepare a list of recipes ahead of time and go through them with your child to allow them to choose which ones are most appealing. Options with attractive visuals are more likely to gain your kids' approval, so using a visual tool such as Pinterest can help make deciding more fun.

2. Make Your Child Part of the Process

Once they’ve made their choices, take them grocery shopping and allow them to participate in picking out ingredients. Even small children can help in minor ways like choosing between a few peppers or picking a good piece of fruit.


Include your child in the preparation of the meal, as well, to the extent that is safe and appropriate for their age. Ask them to help set the table and announce when it is time to eat. Make the most of every opportunity you have to get your child more invested in the meal and they are more likely to eat it.


A key part of food preparation is food safety, and that means teaching your child to properly sanitize surfaces before and after use. Instead of shelling out for expensive name-brand cleaners, mix your own natural DIY cleaners at home with common household goods. Your child will enjoy making their own ‘cleaning potions’ and you’ll save money at the same time.

3. Get Active Together


Many kids view physical activity as an obligation more than something they do for their own enjoyment. To combat this mindset, come up with some fun activities you can do as a family that seem more play than deliberate activity. For example, you can start taking the stairs instead of using an elevator to slyly introduce some exercise into daily activities. Also, park further away from the grocery store entrance so everyone can get in some steps for the day. Finding little ways to move can make a big difference.


Also, consider the outdoor options available in your area. Hiking, swimming, and biking can all be fun for kids and feel less like intentionally working up a sweat and more like play. You can find a pedestrian-friendly area in your neighborhood and walk together as a family — maybe to pick up an ice cream as a treat or even run an errand. If you prefer staying closer to home, invest in backyard games for the whole family to engage in.

4. Try Something New

Activity doesn’t have to take place outdoors, either. Sign up for a yoga class together or join a dojo. If your family enjoys video games, consider one of the many that are physical activity-based and enjoy them together. By making it feel less like a chore, you can get both you and your kids active and strengthen your family bond simultaneously.

5. Cultivate a Stress-Free Home Environment


Physical health isn’t the only important aspect of overall health. According to the CDC, a child’s mental health majorly impacts their quality of life and ability to function. Having a sense of security and a lack of stress in the home is vital to kids. Clutter and chaos can impact stress levels, so ensure that your home is near, tidy, and free of the messiness that can frustrate and agitate.


You can also cultivate a home environment where your kids feel safe and able to relax by practicing open communication with them, implementing de-escalation practices to help when things get overwhelming and prioritizing rest. Use these helpful tips to help you and your children learn to communicate with each other more effectively. Lack of sleep can wreak havoc on kids’ mental health, increasing symptoms of anxiety, depression, and poor impulse control.

6. Practice Gratitude


Practicing gratitude is a profound life skill, and encouraging your child to do the same can have lasting positive effects on their outlook and well-being. One engaging way to cultivate this habit is by creating personalized thank you cards using a free online card maker. This activity not only helps in expressing gratitude but also allows you and your child to explore your creativity together.


With an online card maker, you have access to dozens of templates, a variety of fonts, and numerous design elements, making the process both fun and easy. You can choose a design that resonates with your message of thanks and personalize it to reflect your unique style. This exercise not only teaches your child the importance of appreciating and acknowledging others' kindness but also provides a tangible way to express their gratitude, strengthening their understanding and practice of gratefulness in everyday life.

7. Make Sure You Have Health Insurance


Good health is one of the most important things an individual can have. After all, without good health, it's difficult to enjoy anything else in life. However, maintaining good health can be a challenge, and often requires proactive effort and regular check-ups. This is where health insurance comes in.


By having health insurance, you can stay on top of your well-being and catch any potential health issues early on. This is especially important if you're self-employed, as you may not have access to employer-provided health insurance. You may need to get insurance on your partner or spouse’s plan or enroll in your own through the ACA. In short, having good health insurance is essential for anyone who wants to maintain their health and well-being.

8. Encourage Lifelong Learning


Encouraging lifelong learning in your child is a vital aspect of helping them make healthy choices. One effective way to instill this value is by making learning an enjoyable and engaging experience.


Encouraging your child to pursue their interests, especially in creative fields like painting, can be incredibly beneficial for their development and self-expression. If your child shows an interest in painting, enrolling them in classes offered by artists like Lioba Brückner can be a wonderful opportunity. Lioba Brückner's classes, known for their focus on imaginative and unique styles, can offer your child a platform to explore and develop their artistic talents in a supportive and inspiring environment. These classes not only help in honing their painting skills but also in nurturing their creativity, confidence, and appreciation for art. Engaging in such artistic endeavors provides a valuable outlet for self-expression and can play a significant role in your child's growth and personal development.

Make Steps Towards Healthier Living

Don't wait to make the leap toward better living. When the whole family is healthier and happier, whether that’s by adding exercise to your daily routines, finding the right health insurance, or creating a home that’s free of stress and anxiety, you'll be grateful you started when you did.